#Vastu For Home – Kitchen

Today, will talk on how vastu is important for kitchen. We all know kitchen the most important part of our home. It is the place where our food has been cooked. Food and energy has a good relation. Good food brings good positive energy which help us to feel happy. The negative energy starts to affect you physically and mentally. So it is important to have a kitchen as per vastushastra.

Ø  Kitchen should not be directly under or above poojaroom,toilet,bedroom.
Ø  Do not place cooking gas burner or stove directly in front kitchen’s entrance door.
Ø  North direction is not good for kitchen as this place is lord kubera’s place and having in this direction will make unexpected expenditure.
Ø  Kitchen should not be in South-West, it brings lots of clashes among family member.
Ø  Avoid black colour kitchen wall and flooring.
Ø  Do not place your refrigerator in North-East direction.
Ø  Place platform of the kitchen in East and South-East corner.
Ø  Use North-East to set up wash-basin or sink in the kitchen.
Ø  Use North-East or North side to keep drinking water and utensils for drinking water.
Ø  You can optionally place a dining table in North-West or West side of kitchen.
Ø  Cooking should be done in East direction to bring good health for family members.
Ø  Clean kitchen, kitchen platform and utensils daily at night before sleeping.
Ø  Do not have your main entrance of kitchen in any corner, must be placed in East, North or West wall.
Ø  Place two windows in kitchen in East and West walls of kitchen and place an exhaust fan in any of the windows.

To read about vastu and vastu for main entrance, living room go to our earlier blogs.

To be continued…


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Blog written by
Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


  1. Great, there's so much inoformation to know even I didn't even know few things that I found here. This website - ProVastu also provides so much knowledge about vastu, astrology and numerology. Also, the best vastu consultant in Delhi - ProVastu


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